02 – How life was different

In the last article, I talked about being brought up by extended family and then it being taken away from me. In this article, I am going to address exactly what happened, how it made me feel and how it still affects me today. For eight years, the most important years of a young child’sContinue reading “02 – How life was different”

04 – Physical Abuse – Behind Closed Doors

The last article takes me to the age of twelve. I’m now starting to lack concentration in school and becoming a really angry child. I was in PE when I was told my foster sister had been to the school to find me. I managed to pass messages through this person who knew me fromContinue reading “04 – Physical Abuse – Behind Closed Doors”

05 – Aftermath Of Physical Abuse

Relaying from the article I posted earlier this is how that physical abuse affected me. I started to become a very angry child, didn’t want anyone close to me, because every time I got close to someone, I lost them. At the same time, I started lashing out. It was like I was being bulliedContinue reading “05 – Aftermath Of Physical Abuse”

07 – Self-Harm

Trigger warning this article contains pictures and content that could cause discomfort. As I have touched upon this in previous blogs, I would like to go into more detail, especially as there’s a lot of stigma about self-harm – it is ok to not be ok. I have always controlled my eating, as far backContinue reading “07 – Self-Harm”

08c – From Bad To Worse

Things began to go strange at nights when ‘the boys’ were settled. ‘The man’ would instigate games, saying it was to get to know each other. Although it quickly reached the point where he would want me and ‘his wife’ to do things. Was he serious? He was married to her. I was still aContinue reading “08c – From Bad To Worse”

18 – Social Services

In previous articles, I have spoken about my childhood and the abuse I have encountered throughout my life. Readers that have read my blog articles before will likely read bits they already knew about, but for the article to be as complete as possible it’s necessary. This article is focused on Social Services. The loopholes,Continue reading “18 – Social Services”

19 – Admitting I Need Help

In my earlier articles, I’ve discussed a lot of what I have encountered throughout my life and the difficulties I faced. I got to the point where I was generally struggling with life, not wanting to get out of bed, not sleeping properly due to my PTSD, and having bad dreams when I finally didContinue reading “19 – Admitting I Need Help”

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